I remember back when I was younger I was standing outside our area mall watching a new store being put in and trying like hell to decipher it's name.
Jo's Bank?
J. S a Bank?
I couldn't figure out what the symbols meant or how to pronounce them, until one day later on and I heard the radio promos for the store and put two and two together.
I really should have no cause to have anything to say about this store; it being a men's clothing store and all. But since I've been without television (countdown's almost up!) I've had my ears glued to the radio, catching things I'd normally never notice.
Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how the hell this store stays in business? Every single promo ad I hear for them on the radio features that small mid-level voice guy exteeending eeeeveery siingle syllable while explaining that if you buy a tie you get a 5 whole suits "aaaabsolUtely FREE!"
I jest, but I'm not too far from the truth.
The other day, I swear, their latest sale was about how you buy a blazer and you get two suits "aaabsoLUTEly free!" Now I've never bought/owned a suit, but I have to imagine they are pretty expensive. So how the hell do they justify selling a blazer or sweater or whatever and give away two full suits for nothing?
Has anyone been in this store to attest to the quality? Or does anyone have any insight as to why they even bother to say they "sell" thing when it sounds constantly like a buy a pair of socks, get 20 free minutes to grab everything you want for free-sale?
And yes, I have wasted actual valuable and functioning brain cells to think about things like this. It scares me, too.