...We were about to try and get directions from Joe's parents over the phone when I pulled out my own GPS, my Garmin, and tried to see if it would work without being plugged in.
Much to my surprise (and incredible relief), it turned on. I typed in the address of the hotel and in a matter of moments, I held the way in my hands.
Joe hung up with his parents, reassuring them that we were finally good and on our way.
According to the directions we had to make a turn into what looked like a gravel driveway. We weren't quite sure we were heading in the right direction until the GPS continued to show an arrow leading the road.
At this point we were driving around in pitch black, only able to see what the came in front of the headlights. We soon found ourselves back in the wildlife preserve on the hill, except now we were on an even messier broken road. I clutched onto the GPS like the guiding light it was, hoping we didn't get a flat or run out of gas.
Finally we began to descend from the hill and soon we were back in the company of the residential area we had passed before. We kept asking ourselves, where did we go wrong?
We had a ways to go until we finally approached our destination. We came upon the industrial road again, and there, in a matter of yards, was the hotel. We could've seen it from the highway, had we been paying attention.
At long last, at around 9:40 p.m.- almost 5 hours for what should've been a road trip that at most, lasted an hour and a half- we arrived at our hotel. I had never been so happy to see a Hampton Inn in my life.
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