Is it possible to need two days to recover from a hangover? My stomach and head have still been giving me grief all day- although the headache could be from staring at a computer screen for 8 hours straight...the stomach, meh, my stomach always hurts.
The thing is, I didn't even do anything that crazy that would MERIT a two-day recovery period. I drank beer. Just BEER. Sure, there were a few cups fulls, but c'mon, I can't even drink plain old beer without paying for it the next day?? What kind of rip-off is that?
It's especially infuriating when I see both real people and the television people (or television people on shows on Netflix on Demand that I've never seen before, and therefore, am not cheating on my television embargo) being able to guzzle beer whenever and however, and seemingly recover instantaneously. The only time I was remotely able to do that was in college, and that was because my liver was still pretty show-room new and I was hanging out with foreigners who taught me to drink like a cross country runner instead of a sprinter.
Now, it seems I have a glass of wine and my stomach and head are messed up all the next day. I am whining I know, I'll try to stop.
In case you couldn't tell, I had no idea what to write about tonight but I'd like to try and write for all four days. Unfortunately for you, the reader, it could make for some tedious reading. Lemme see if I can drudge up some good embarrassment for you...oh I got it.
Don't you hate it when someone holds the door for you when you don't want them to? We have to entrances to my office: the main one and the side one. The side one is the one I always go thru b/c it's closest to my desk. But sometimes if someone is walking ahead of me back to the office they will hold the door for me thru the main entrance. I usually just comply, even after I try and show them that I have my access card AND that I'm going the other way.
Well, the other day I was in a precarious situation- I had a guy from my office in front of me walking to the door and two guys behind me. As I'm sure you already know, I like to be as invisible at work as possible (or at least until I know for sure I am liked). The guy ahead opened the door and held it for me, thinking I was going in that way. I fumbled again for access key and muttered something like "I...uhh, I've...got...ma..key".
I thought he understood my signals and so I was just letting the door closed. Suddenly the guys behind me (who are notoriously sarcastic but cool) yelled, "Hey! What're you doin, not holding the door for us?"
The guy who had been in front simply said, "I was holding it for her," as I quickly ducked down the long hallway. When I heard him alluding to me, I was still just as flustered, just louder.
"OH! I've...got..my...this...I'm...good. Th-th-thanks, s-s-sorry!"
It was another one of those great moments where it probably wasn't a big deal, but internally I was tightening the noose. Oh well.
Hope that got a chuckle from ya. See ya tomorrow!
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