Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Things I Think Count For Exercise

*I'm trying this out here first so that maybe I can peddle it into an article for the Yahoo Network. Let me know what you think (or if you have any suggestions, please gimme a shout out).

Like I think everyone in the world, I constantly battle the pressure to stay healthy by getting the necessary amount of exercise one needs every day. Also like everyone else, unfortunately, time is usually a factor. But what I've read and discovered on my own is that sometimes the oddest things we do everyday can actually be considered exercise- at least in my eyes. Read on for my tips and please let me know any tricks you have learned.

1.) Using the Stairs- When I'm at work, spending numerous hours at my computer, rarely getting up or moving around, I figure I am entitled to a 15-20 minute walking break. And when the weather is lousy (or my usual walking buddy is absent) I still like to get at least some exercise by hiking up and down the stairwell. It's virtually empty and I can actually get a pretty good sweat going in a few minutes by taking steps two-at-a-time.

2.) Playing with the Dog- One of the benefits of having a yard AND a dog is that I can "work out" without even leaving my property. I'll usually toss the ball and then race the dog to catch it. If I beat her I toss the ball again. If she beats me I lunge after the ball everytime she runs past. Plus I get a whole other muscle group involved when I have to carefully but quickly dodge her little "presents" around the yard. It's surprisingly fun, and constantly sprinting, throwing, and lunging actually gets my heart pumping.

3.) Parking Far Away- This one could be applied anytime, depending on how strapped you are for time, the weather (and how many bags you have to carry back out). But I like purposely parking farther away because you do get those extra few steps added to your exercise for the day. Nice bonus-- on a crowded day you will have less trouble parking and exiting, since most people want to get as close as they can to the store.

4.) Household Chores- Laundry and Cleaning- I really never thought this would count, but I think it should, and according to things I've read, sometimes it legitimately does. Hauling armloads of laundry down a few flights of stairs, crouching to stuff things into a washer and dryer, then pulling it back out and bringing everything back upstairs- you can definitely burn some calories. Mopping, vacuuming, and scrubbing also give your back and arms a good workout. I guess that's why they call it "housework"!

5.) Playing Baseball and Boxing on the Wii Sport- I love our Wii and one of the reasons why is it basically comes with a workout regime- the Wii Sports. Sure it's fun anyway, but when you actually want to blast some energy and feel a burn in your arms for days, try the fitness mode of the baseball and boxing. Trust me; it's exhausting and exhilarating at the same time.

It's true I am not a licensed health advisor and I may have no clinical proof to back up what I say. All I know is that by doing some or all of these things, I am able to break a sweat and lose my breath- two signs I'm pretty sure are all the proof I need. And the best part is that these are things I would do anyway.

Now if only there was a way to incorporate sitting on my butt as exercise...

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