Brrr Greetings chilly-ones. It's been a long and crazy week, so let's get right to the continuation of the Weekend Wrap-up from last last weekend (grab a snack, it's a bit of a long one)...
So when we last visited, I had just gotten home with beer and wine after nearly breaking my neck in the snow and ice. Joe's and my friends had arrived already, so when I came home the boys retreated to the basement and my girlfriend and I cracked open a beer.
Though the weather was starting to get brisk we decided to go shoot some pool at the Rec Room, a sports bar nearby in Towson. We drove up, parked, and ordered a round before hitting the tables. After a few games I took a brief bathroom break and when I returned I noticed Car where I left her, by the electronic jukebox, with a few guys talking to her. As I approached I caught a glimpse of the guys and they didn't look much older than 17. Even in my current state, I was suspicious.
I sidled up between him and Car, turning my back to give him the idea to scram. Instead he muttered, "I wanna watch you guys play."
Car and I exchanged glances before saying, "We don't like people to watch us," but he still leaned on the barstool. Finally, I said, "you can watch us from over there..." Finally they got the hint and in the blink of an eye they all had evaporated. Almost too quickly so.
In any event, when they had gone I decided I wanted to play more songs so I stumbled over to the ATM. Now this has no real bearing on the story, but it might be an amusing little anecdote- or at least another example of my painful stupidity (and who am I to spare you that enjoyment?). As I take out my $20 bill, I noticed directly to my right a change machine. In my inebriated mind, I figured...change! I can break my $20 right here! It wasn't until I saw the bill slip through my fingers and into the change machine that I suddenly realized what I was doing- as if the film suddenly went from slo-mo to realtime..nnnnnnoooooo! All I could do was just stand there, waiting for my $20 worth of quarters to spill in my hand and pretend I actually meant to do it.
Anyway, as I struggled heavy-handed back to our table I was about to relay my mistake to Car, but I stopped.
"My wallet's gone," she said. The seriousness in her voice and face brought everything back into focus (well, mostly, anyway). We first checked all around the floor, then all around the bar. Pretty soon every bartender and manager was helping us look for the missing wallet. However it wasn't long before Car realized it wouldn't be found here.
"Those guys took it," she said definitively. I settled the tab while she went out to grab one of the cops that usually hang out by the movie theater. When I rejoined her she was even more distraught. With anger (and alcohol) pumping through my veins I tried to collect my words and ask another officer.
"Sccuz...um. Scuuze me. Ma frreiendzz wallet was stolen." Not surprisingly, he said, "What?"
I took a deep breath and tried again," My friend's wallet was stolen." He then asked Car questions and along with another officer we walked about, looking for the same guys who had bothered us in the bar. Suddenly Car said she spotted them walk into the Subway. The two officers told us to meet them back by the movie theater. Unfortunately when they returned they said that the boys didn't have it on them anymore. Most likely they took whatever cash and tossed the wallet somewhere else.
While Car went to make a police report I checked a few garbage cans to see if I could happen to spot it. I was disappointed and just as I was about to tell her, she had a big grin on her face.
"Apparently, someone just got tazed," she said. As we tried to casually walk by and see the victim on the ground, we felt our spirits lift a tad. Still, it was time to go home now.
By then I was sober and just ready to get home. We walked back to my car and as Car waited patiently for me to fish my keys out of my bag, I realized they were gone. Shit shit shit. I've only had this car for two weeks, and already I lost my first set. More worrisome, they were the dealership's keys- complete with description of the car.
I ran back to the bar, hoping maybe I had just dropped them somewhere. When I came in, one of the bartenders recognized me.
"We're still looking for that wallet," he said.
"Oh, good, but I'm actually looking for my keys now."
"Oh wow, it's really not your guys' night, huh?"
Keyless, I returned to my car and Car called her husband to give us a lift home. I pathetically told Joe the situation, but thankfully he was a hero (with AAA). They were able to pop open my car and I managed to get it home before any hooligans got to it.
Car and I toasted our mutual shitty-luck with another couple of beers. It may not be a totally happy ending, but it at least makes for an entertaining story.