My sleeping pattern is as follows- on my side, hand under one pillow with the other clutching another pillow. In the summer, I like to have just a portion of the comforter covering me. I love the gentle breeze of a summer night, but since the nights have been just as stagnantly hot as the days, those breezes have to come in the form of our electric fan placed in the window.
Joe, however, requires the constant blast of the A/C on him as well. And there in lies the source of our disagreement.
One of my truly amazing characteristics is my ability to be cold, even in the deathly hollows of summer. I really realized this a few weeks ago, when the war between A/C and fan began.
A few weeks ago while trying to go to sleep, I noticed I was unconsciously pulling the covers over my entire body. I realized I was actually getting chilly from the onslaught of A/C and fan. I mentioned it to Joe the next night.
"But how can you be cold? It's over 80 degrees!" he said, astonished.
"I know, but its just that the constant blast of cold air and the fan is too much. Why don't we just use one or the other?" I said.
He tried to explain that the air won't kick on unless the temp reaches a certain high, but I was still unconvinced. As a means to make a peace treaty, Joe turned off the A/C for the night.
He informed me the next morning how he had woken up several times in the middle of the night, unable to breathe and needing water. He told me this, because I had slept pretty much through the night. I did notice the heat more, and struggled a bit to get to sleep, but once I did I was out.
To be fair, we put the A/C back on the next night, swapping out the fan.
I have to admit that I did stay cooler, but the dry cold air did bother my nose and throat a bit.
So now we are back to trying sneaky tactics. I will often flip the A/C off for a while only to have Joe somehow flip it back on. It's like an I Love Lucy gag. Who will win the battle tonight? We'll have to see.