In no particular order- and the fact that I really can't remember if I already did something like this should be number 1 (and if you have some of your own, please do so share)....
1.) I carry tissues with me at all times- either stuffed in pockets or hidden in my purse.
2.) I now listen to more talk radio than I do music.
3.) I worry about things like my gallbladder and colon.
4.) I make the conscious decision to pee before I bother walking all the way downstairs so I don't have to come up again.
5.) I'm starting to hear the words "I don't give an 'f***'" come out of my mouth more than "I hope I don't..."
6.) I'm really starting to not give an 'F***'
7.) I'm starting to know more married people than single.
8.) My college friends are having kids.
9.) Many old friends moved away and I have to re-learn how to make new friends.
10.) I've begun denying any grey hairs on my head (which there are none, thank you)
11.) I refer to anyone a year younger than me or more as "children".
12.) I'm ok with the idea of marriage.
13.) I'm starting to get ok with the idea of kids. Starting to.
14.) I signed up for a 401k plan.
15.) I now understand the simple pleasure of giving and receiving greeting cards.
16.) Things are starting to creak and crack.
17.) All the "youthful" imagery shown on television and in movies are referencing 22 year olds and younger.
18.) 22 seems so young.
19.) My distaste in current music and movies has continuously grown considerably.
20.) The term "old school" for me refers to things from the mid 80s to early 90s.
21.) I can't remember the last time I rode a bike.
22.) I looked at a recent photo of me and realized that's what the "grown-up" me looks like.
23.) I've been able to drink legally longer than I used to sneak it.
24.) I can cook.
25.) I'd like to buy a house.
26.) I am starting to look at makeup that fights and conceals wrinkles.
and lastly...
27.) I make lists.
What makes me still feel young? Simple:
Joe, the music I love, the friends and family I cherish, the passions I keep, writing, and still being able to get drunk off 2 beers.
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