Monday, August 15, 2011

Losing my Shift

I hate cars, sometimes. They're expensive. They can kill people. They cost money for EVERYTHING. They give you cramps in your back and butt after a while.

The worst is when you are faced with all of those problems at one time. Like I was on a recent trip to visit Joe's family.

I was excited to get up there- I rarely get the chance to visit with my work schedule, especially in the summer. The one thing I was sorta dreading was the drive.

Now, I have never made claims to be a good solid confident driver. In fact, I often grip the steering wheel like a mountain climber grasps the rock- for dear life.

But, it's a pretty and steady drive, and watching Joe do it so many times, I was certain I would be fine. And since our friend Dylan was going to drive up with me, I felt even better.

The first couple of hours were fine- smooth sailing except for a patch of heavy traffic. Once we passed that, though, the drive was flying by. Until we hit hour 4.

It was nighttime by then, and as Dylan and I quietly conversed, I suddenly noticed my car doing this harsh acceleration and then immediate deceleration. It scared me a few times, but I was trying to not let my fear show to Dylan. But he didn't need to see my face to know something was wrong.

"Wow, is that you doing that or the car?" he asked, innocently.

I then explained how I had had that problem for some time now, but that when I had taken it to the shop they didn't seem to notice it. They had given me a new battery which had helped- up until this moment.

Freaked, but determined to get to Joe's parents' house, we kept going. We finally got to the local roads, and as soon as I rolled to the first stop light, my car stalled. Thankfully she started right back up again, but Dylan and I still exchanged looks (and prayers) that we would make it to the house.

Happily, we did- but the car drama didn't end there...

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